Aceh Botanicals

Aceh Botani is a farmer producer who produces kratom herbal medicine, located in Dusun I Kihing Gunung Meriah-Aceh, Indonesia. the whole production process from monitoring the garden land, harvesting, drying, camping, transporting, to ready-to-export packaging carried out by Aceh Botani with the best service.

We always prioritize the trust that has been given by presenting products that are maintained in quality and directly handling shipments to several countries, we are ready to be responsible for every product you buy to its destination quickly and safely.

As Kratom Botanical Garden, with us in addition to getting premium quality products, you are also given the best and competitive prices. Aceh Botanical has become a very experienced and large vendor. We pride ourselves on our sustainable and well-structured supply chain so that no matter how much Kratom you need, you can always trust us to deliver every product you buy from us.

Our Product

-See Price-

Red Aceh Kratom

Green Aceh Kratom

Herbal Processing


Production process



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Blog Aceh Botanicals

Agustus 18, 2023

Kratom Indonesia –  Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a botanical wonder native to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, where it holds cultural and traditional significance. Renowned for its diverse […]
Agustus 22, 2022

Selling Indonesia Kratom Leaves

Indonesia Kratom  – One of the Indonesian forest plants that can be used as an alternative treatment for Corona virus infection is kratom leaves (Mitragyna speciosa […]
Agustus 22, 2022

Leaves Kratom Knowledge – Aceh Botani

Kratom Indonesia – Kratom is a herbaceous plant which has multiple origins in Southeast Asia and is used for various purposes inside its origin and even […]
