Indonesia Kratom – One of the Indonesian forest plants that can be used as an alternative treatment for Corona virus infection is kratom leaves (Mitragyna speciosa Korth). According to research conducted by Kapp et al. (2013), kratom leaves contain alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, phenols, and triterpenoids.
These compounds include cytotoxic compounds so that the body’s kratom leaves are used as anticancer and antiviral drugs that fight resistance. One of the businesses that serve Indonesian kratom leaves is Aceh Botani.
Aceh Botani is one of the businesses engaged in the field of kratom herbal medicine which is located at Dusun I Kihing Gunung Meriah-Aceh, Indonesia. All herbal considerations from the beginning of harvesting, transportation from the harvest place to the warehouse, weighing, drying and so on, until the gasket process and loading onto the car are carried out by Aceh Botani with the best service.
As a Kratom Botanical, apart from providing quality products to all of our customers, we also provide them at very competitive prices. Aceh Botanical itself has become a large well-established vendor and we pride ourselves on our sustainable supply chain so no matter what size Kratom you want, you can always trust us to deliver every product you buy from us.
Immediately contact us for those of you who are looking for selling kratom in Aceh and selling Indonesian kratom because we accept shipments at home or abroad.